Staff, Management and Capacity Building
Our preschool educators are hired based on their education, experience, creativity, warmth and care for children, in order to ensure the highest quality care and education for our enrolled children.
The ECEF includes four full-time teaching staff as well as a few part-time teachers that assist regularly, and two cooks/cleaners. Staff benefit from regular mentoring and capacity building to ensure high quality teaching practices. The staff have experiences working in preschools in Australia and Timor-Leste, and several of the educators followed an early childhood training course at the Green School in Bali, Indonesia.
All members of our team are seen as educators and therefore undergo regular training, mentoring, monitoring, supervision and evaluation. New staff receive training in Early Childhood Education, Child Protection & Positive Discipline, as well as First Aid. Current staff have received additional training in Nutrition, Health and CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation).
With two educators per classroom and appropriate infrastructure, it is ensured that staff can be attentive to children’s needs and care for their safety and security.