Principles of Learning

Children are curious and eager to learn. They have an inherent desire to make sense of themselves, the world and others.

Children are active participants in their environment and learn through various stimuli and with all of their senses from the first day on.

Children engage actively in their environment and through repeated interactions with people and materials. Thus, with touching, tasting, shaking, interacting, etc. they construct knowledge about themselves, the world and others.

Children learn and express themselves through play, which is central to their well-being and development.

Child development and learning are characterized by individuality. Each child has an individual pattern and timing of growth and development as well as individual styles of learning.

Children need to experience success more than failure to form a positive self-concept, which means that activities should be planned so they are challenging yet achievable. When children have confidence in themselves and learn without fear, they perform better. They are eager to try new and harder things, gain new skills and become more confident and capable.

Children learn best when active and interested. When they engage in a meaningful and relevant way, they can experience the joy of learning and feelings of success.

Children learn best when they experience warm and stable personal relationships with their care-givers.

Children develop holistically and benefit from integrated experiences and education.

