Nutritional Program
The ECEF commits to preparing healthy and nutritious food without any toxic or damaging ingredients, such as MSG. Ingredients will either be drawn from our own Kitchen Garden or local markets and shops. Parents who do not wish to participate in our meal programs or want to serve special foods and drinks are welcome to provide food and drinks from home.
The ECEF provides access to clean drinking water at all times, healthy morning and afternoon snacks, as well as lunch. Weekly menus will be posted in the classrooms.
Food allergies, intolerances, restrictions or requirements must be notified within the registration form or updated throughout the year.
Children are not allowed to bring “junk food”, such as gum, chips or candy.
Throughout play and our daily routines we aim to create positive eating habits and awareness for healthy nutrition. This is further enhanced by including children in gardening activities, which also strenghten their environmental experiences.